Showing posts with label smile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smile. Show all posts


Easiest Way to Think Optimistically

    Smiles are Contagious. Smiles Create Happiness and Promote Well-Beinf. 
   The Law of Attraction Says Your Thoughts Will Become Your Reality.  Happiness Attracts Happiness and Smiles Promote Positive Thoughts.
     Have You Ever Seen a newborn Baby Smile at You?
    Genuinely Smile through the Day, Think Positive Thoughts, and Being Polite & Chivalrous to All, (especially) Women and Children.
  A Childs Smile and Laughter Is Divinely Powerful.
     We are all Human, we all struggle to find happiness, and its hard to smile when you feel like Atlas with the weight of the world is on your shoulders and Murphys Law is in full affect.
   We constantly find ourselves asking at times (especially in difficult/stressful situations)
   " what do I have to smile about, what could possibly be worth being happy about with all these struggles and problems im dealing with?"
We may also even think (very often),
"Why should I Smile when no one else is, and how can it affect my mood or well-being positively?"

    You need to have faith and be confident that things will be better if you do. Our brain associates certain actions and events with specific emotions or states.  Conciously making the effort to put a smile on NO MATTER what, will lead to you doing it habitually. Thats when you will start to see the change. The Law of Attraction is proof of how our thoughts can impact our daily life and outcomes.
    You must live the change you want to see and act the way you want to feel LIke ITS ALREADY TRUE. Eventually it will be. If your depressed or pessimistic about the present or future. Think of all the blessings and talents you have. Be grateful for family and friends as well as think of a moment you knew for sure you were sincerely happy and smiling. THEN put yourself back in to that moment, think and relive the experience and the emotion.
    Let children guide you and be your teachers. If your not happy, BUT WANT TO BE. You need act enthusiastic to be enthusiastic.
Even if you fake a smile, it can still have positive affects and over time becomes the truth.