
How To Make a Difference and Change the World, Living In the Moment, Following Your Passion. We Create The World We Live In, But We Must Be Confident, Inspired, and Spread the Message.

How To Make A Difference and Change the World By Improving Yourself 
Live Now Challenge

      It's our turn. Now. Right now. Get up, get out there, change the world, and make a difference. Our generation is going to determine the future of not only the country we live but also the world everyone lives. Personally, I do not  believe this is something to take lightly by any means. Not only are we going to live in the future we create, so are our children, and our children's children.         That is a truth we should all keep close at heart and mind. Its a collaborative effort and we all need to do our part and if thats not enough motivation to make a change for the better Now, then consider the fact the we also live in a generation unlike any seen before. Everything we do now, everything we say, and everything we write will be not only at our children's disposal but all future generations to come as well. They will be able to watch your every move just like a movie. Our lives are going to be an open book for them to learn from and judge life-decisions by.
     Now, is also the best time too for us all to realize and understand that as humans we are not remembered for what we take from this world but rather what we give back to it. Our personal stories, success' and failure's, our legacy if you will can either be the cause of positive or negative inspiration's and aspiration's of our lineage. That fortunately can be greatly affected by the actions and decisions you make now. A lot of people still wonder, "how can I make a difference and change the world?" This I believe is an easy answer, especially in 2012. No matter the subject or niche there will always be people follow you and your message. My recipe is as follows;
"To make a difference: Start with yourself. Grow. Expand to world."
     Human kind as a whole responds to passion. Anything can become popular or a fad as our history has proved. The deciding factor then must be the presentation. Have you ever seen a speaker who was so passionate about what they were talking about that you actually got excited about a topic usually uninteresting to you? What was it about the topic that suddenly had made you so enthralled by it. The topic is the same, still contains all the same information from when you despised it. Then what was different this time? The presentation of it changed. It's wasn't being presented in the boring, uninteresting way it had been before. The speaker was passionate about the topic which had spread to you and excited your enthusiasm for the subject that you didn't know existed before.
     People naturally respond to passion, and passion comes from doing what we love or doing something for what we love. In fact, passion is so persuasive it can even blur such clearly defined moral lines. As terrible as it is look at the Holocaust and Hitler. Hitler was an extremely passionate man and although his intentions were evil and misguided, he still managed to control one of the largest countries in the world and make an inhumane act of violence seem like the right thing to do to many.   I am in no way saying that this is right in any way, shape, or form instead I am merely using this as an example to the power that passion can have.
     If you have ever sat close to a fire, you felt the heat on your skin although you couldn't see the heat you knew it was from the fire. When the fire grows you feel the heat much more intensely. When the fire weakens you must get closer to feel the heat. I believe that humans have the same capability. Imagine a fire burning bright inside each individual. When we are doing what we love that fire is burning much stronger and more people are able to feel it as well as feed off of it. Passion is the fuel to each person's fire and is different for every person It is our own responsibility, just as we have found what makes a real fire burn stronger, to find out what makes our fire burn brighter. Then, let it burn baby, burn.
     Ask yourself sincerely what you love to do. Then do it. Learn from mistakes and hiccups, gain experience, form well-thought opinions, and grow personally fueled by natural passion. Finally, put yourself out there. Be self-confident enough to take the "social risk" and put yourself out there. As I have said before people respond to passion, but people cant respond if they are never shown. Keep that in mind.
     One of my all time favorite quotes I believe states it very well, "do something you love and you will never work a day in your life." When you are passionate and love what your doing, it's not work, it's fun.
     Just as a young man works to secure his families future; we must all work to secure our future's future. How can we do that? Live Now. What i mean is don't worry about what the future actually brings. Tell yourself how you want it to be and live like it's that way already. Generally, when we expect something, a victory or failure, negative or positive; we get what we expected, good or bad. If you live now instead of waiting for the future, you are guaranteeing that the future you get is the one you want. The Law of Attraction says so; if you think it will happen, it will happen.
      Living Now is to think about only the present. Like a child opening their eyes for the first time, you see things, everything. You begin to notice that bird's nest in a tree, you hear the rustling of the bush's leaves from the squirrels fighting, you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, you begin to feel what other people are saying and hear them more clearly than before, you begin to appreciate the work that has gone in to literally everything around you man made or naturally. Everything is clear. You become more aware of your surrounding, you can fully concentrate on the obstacles happening Now, which are the only ones that can ever affect anything anyways. Why wouldn't you want your full focus on them?
      Living Now also makes you happier and less stressed in general. You can't be worrying if you aren't constantly dwelling on the past and future. This is true because the definition of 'worry' itself states 'to think about future or past events.
     Without experiencing the actual feeling of living in the moment, it's hard to fully grasp the concept and benefits. The best way to get in to the Now is to concentrate on your breathing. This may sound cliche but it is 100% true. When you concentrate your mind solely on your breath going in and out while visualizing the oxygen and nourishment being carried to all the parts of your body, you subsequently can't think of anything else except the now.
     Once you fully grasp this idea and have practiced. The next time something irritates you or a problem arises, no matter where you are even if your in the middle of a speech to a million people, remember to take a deep breath and concentrate on this breath. Everyone breathes its normal you wont be an outcast so don't worry. Plus the pause may even help to build up suspense (trust me it works). After that breath your mind will be clear and senses alert. Watch how much better you handle that situation and how much more cool, calm, and collected you seem.
     Living Now makes life run smoothly, naturally, and positively. It allows one to see what they really want, free from distractions. Its also how one can achieve those wants. In fact, what happens now is what determines everything else so don't miss your chance to be happy and naturally create a better place for yourself, your family, and the rest of the world. With the present moment being the only one we can affect and being the only one that truthfully affects anything. It's amazing to me how so many people don't see that and waste so much time worrying about things that will come naturally if we let them.

     My challenge to you is this: 
Start To Live Now. Have Confidence That What You Do Now Will Get You Where You Want To Be AND Stop Worrying About the Future and Wallowing in the Past. Grow, Gain Experience, Constantly Improve to Become the Best You Possible, Love and Respect Yourself As Much As Everyone Else. Be Passionate and Speak with Conviction. ALWAYS Walk With A Smile and Share It The Rest of the World.

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