Showing posts with label beauty in the world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty in the world. Show all posts


Awareness of Your Surroundings and Connections or Associations Your Brain Creates Are Incredible. Conscious Effort and Living in the Present Moment Allows You To Improve This and makes You Appreciate the Little Things

       Our brains make so many connections its absolutely incredible. Although we don't consciously interpret the vast majority of these connections. The more you work on living in the present moment,  asking questions, observing your surroundings. I personally at least have begun to see that certain things I see affect my emotions or state or even begin to connect thoughts I had many years prior in response to the same object or a similar object. Mostly for me its for things I've seen frequently for the majority of my life. But sometimes it can even be (and honestly I may be wrong but its what I have noticed) if I meet someone for the first time and I don't like them. I can usually associate them in personality or appearance or vibe with someone or something I previously had decided I didn't like.

    Any ways here's a random thought I had about this incredible bronze fountain in my backyard.
It's called Adventure Mountain after the artist Jim Davidson

                                     I wrote more in a previous blog an in depth post about

     This fountain has been in my backyard forever. I always said and believed I was the kid at the top. Now that I think about it, this fountain has in some ways made me strive to be the best I can be. To me back then the statue of the boy on top was a leader and courageous person, two qualities I have always wanted and fought for. I also thought it was a competitiveness with the others climbing the mountain that he reached the top the fastest to be the best. That's also something I had always wanted. After years of growing and maturing my perceptions have changed as everyone does, but I've seen if they're is truth to a thought it remains while the ones that were wrong whether we know they're wrong or not, our brains manipulate and change in attempt to correct them since our new experiences changed our perception. My thoughts remain the same today looking at this fountain with one drastic difference. The boy on top didn't get their first by wanting to win. Otherwise he'd be chastising the boys close behind. He was still a courageous leader but his desire to help those other boys push themselves and accomplish things they never thought possible like climbing a mountain. He was a true leader who envisioned a goal seemingly dangerous or impossible, inspired others to follow him, and in his desire to inspire and help others he succeeded. Not by stepping on them it cheating but with true passion and motivation to succeed and help others succeed. I know I know its just a fountain right? You need to see the beauty in everything because our brains are so incredible these kinds of associations are everywhere and we just need to be awake to see and understand them.



Conscious Thought, Learning to See: How To Become Aware of Your Thoughts Open Your Eye's, Realize Everything Connects to Everything Else

     Conscious Thought
 Becoming Aware of Your Thoughts
Darrien Eouse

    The ability to think and have a thought is what separates our species from all others on this planet. Most of our thoughts are just automatic reactions to certain stimuli. Circumstances occur, a chain of thought gets triggered; that chain of thought gives rise to more thoughts. The nature of our thoughts depends on our past conditioning, what we have learned to think as a result of our past experiences.
     As society grew we began to encounter more and more that gave rise to thoughts. In order to survive we began to adapt, our brains took certain combinations of stimuli in difference circumstances. The thought that occurred was stored subconsciously for our brains to access and react to. These thoughts that are occuring subconsciously are mostly basic human instincts; if you put your hand on a burning stove, you immediately pull your hand away as a reaction. It was not necessary for your brain to consciously think about the stove being scalding before pulling your hand away. This is just one example but these thoughts that started out at first as natural fight or flight responses or necessary for survival.
     In today's society this subconscious thinking is out of control. It is not limited to human survival any more. It makes sense that since the establishment of laws and medicine, human survival as become less of a concern. Our generation has become increasingly fast paced and ritualistic. We are all on schedules. Whether your in school, in sports, at work, or even on a vacation we all have schedules whether written or not we all have our own order of doing things. Even in the grand scheme of things we are on a schedule, we have an order of doing things that is commonly agreed upon by ourselves and society. We go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, retire, and then have grandchildren.
     Our lives have become predictable in way, at least to ourselves. Just as our body as muscle memory, if you do something over and over and over again you begin to not have to think about it as much consciously and it sort of just happens. This can be a positive thing such as in sports or it can be a negative thing such as a bad habit.
     Since the nature of our thoughts depends on our past conditioning and the majority of people are conditioned to follow the same schedule or routine repeatedly then that means that the majority of our lives can unfortunately all fall victim to our subconscious thoughts.
     This is what our generation is lacking today. Conscious Thought. We have turned in to robots going through our daily lives and not being able to recollect a single thing about that day if questioned. The majority are running on auto pilot. Have you ever been driving on the highway and zoned out to where you drive right by your exit plus a few others? Maybe you were on a long drive and couldn't remember a single thing about the drive? Either way this is the best analogy I can think of to correlate to my point. It may be happening to you right now.
     Think about everything that your missing by living like this. Life is to short to be on autopilot, not to mention that these subconscious responses are from past experiences and may not be able to fully handle the new situation at hand. We need to take back control of our lives and our thoughts. We need to become aware of our surroundings and appreciate the things around us. The work that has gone in to everything. The wonders of the earth. The wonders of man. The art in all of our surroundings. How awful would it be to be on your death bed and when you try to remember your past find that there is hardly anything there.
     Conscious thought creates dreams. In encourages you to grow and try new things. It inspires you to find your passions in life. All we must do is become aware of the existing thought and bring it to consciousness. It takes time and practice, become an observer. Notice things, think about things then think about your thought on that thing. Where did the thought come from? What did that thought lead you to? Was it a positive or negative thought? What kind of emotion did that thought bring?
     Once you question or think about your thoughts you gain an awareness. An awareness in you that is not only thinking, but is aware of the thought. This Awareness is what eventually gives one the possibility of directing and channeling thoughts, of dissolving a thought or thought pattern that one experiences as negative. You can begin to experiment with how your Awareness can shift, change, focus, or dissolve a thought pattern. People try to control their thoughts with their will. You will find it quite a different experience to allow your Awareness to transform your thoughts. The foundation is simply to become aware that there is an Awareness in you that is aware of your thoughts.

     Live Now. Think Now. Become Aware.
