Any Experience Big or Small Can Change Your Life Forever.
We Must Always Live Now and Be In The Moment to Identify the Power of Seemingly Small Events
This is the Event That I Have Concluded to Be My First Thought About the Dream of Inspiring and Helping Others Through Actions, Words, and Non-Verbal Cues. Although, It Is Such a Minor Event, I Had No Problem Recollecting the Memory, Feeling the Way I Felt That Day, and The Thoughts I Had During the Experience. As Years Have Gone By, I Have Practice More and More About Being In the Moment, Living Now, and Being Open To These Types of Events. They Get You Thinking. Our Life is Made Up of Experiences, Everyone Of Which Even If Not a Big Deal To You, May Be To Another. My Experience Below for Example, Going to Moe's Restaurant, Seemingly Boring Since I Live Close By, But To a Child in a 3rd World Country, It Very Well May Be The Highlight of Their Childhood. What I Mean By This Is We Should Not Take For Granted The Experiences We Have No Matter How Routine or Dull We May Consider It. Those Who Live Near the Eiffel Tower May Consider It Normal, However When We Go Visit The Eiffel Tower, It's a Memory That Stays With US FOREVER. Dont Be a Victim of Considering Your Surroundings as Constant, Everything is Changing, Anything Could Happen, and There's Beauty in The Miracles That Surround Us All.
I Am Who I Am Because I Ate At Moe's Mexican Restaurant. Huh? Yes, You Read That Right.
"NOT all life changing experiences are giant. Some can happen in a split second. I can remember the exact moment I wanted to start living more positive and incorporating it in my daily life. One day, I was having a bad day and was currently fighting with an addiction as well. I had not seen a smiling face, act of kindness, or simple chivalrous gesture done I think ever. I was at my near bottom with no fate or optimism for the future or belief I would ever be happy.
I remember I walked in to Moe's for the first time... What happens when you walk in to Moe's?
Every worker Yells, "WELCOME TO MOES!"
I have seen this done at other restaurants but this was DIFFERENT. Every employee in the building from the assembly line, to the bus boy,to the cashier, to the manager (I actually had to compliment the staff, never did that before..)
They were all sincere, they were really smiling, they had enthusiasm when they spoke to you it was clear, confident, they made eye contact, they joked with eachother and laughed around the whole process, INCLUDING ME in the conversation that forced me to start laughing.. (they did this while executing their jobs extremely well.
They had passion, they loved their jobs, they loved who they were around, they were able to be themselves while making money. They spoke loud enough to hear and exemplified with their eyes and their smile, made eye contact and their eyes were wide open while listening. They were funhearted lovable charismatic, genuinely happy, and were being themselves.
This one tiny experience changed my life. It was that moment where I saw first hand the power a warm hearted, genuine person with a smile on their face could affect my own personal emotions and flipped that depressed state of being I was in before I went in. When I Left I was smiling, positive, enthusiastic, and optimistic for the future.
That trip to Moe's sparked my mission to constantly improve myself , be chivalrous to all women of all ages (even when others refuse and are just ass holes), I decided I was going to only think positive thoughts, help other's, be respectful to men and women o all ages equally, and also to use stand by my moral and ethics WHILE ALWAYS striving to be a polite gentleman, and use my manners no matter the circumstance.
Im still working on these things. I've made mistakes but I make a constant effort to act consciously according to my morals, who I want to be and who I am. If I make a mistake or am wrong I will always own up and take my consequences, apologize for my misdoings and ALWAYS learn from that valuable experience. I will never be perfect and I will always mess up or falter at least a little and TRUST ME I have.
Through this year I took off for reflecting and growing. Ive been able to implement my positive lifestyle to work and all other areas of my life. I am confident in the man I am and the man I will be."
We have all had different experiences that lead us to see things with a different perception or come to a different conclusion. I can guarantee that if you are reading this, you have experienced an event either traumatic, like a devastating injury, or something constructive like working and saving for years to buy your first new car. I do agree that these can be very life-altering events either for good or bad. I understand asking a stranger to share a personal story tragedy or life-changing experience on a public blog would be a little much pressure for most. However anything you have to say even if it is just a comment and would be much appreciated. Im happy to lend a listening ear. And offer advice if I can.I want to hear anything you have to say, long or short, good or bad. Big or small. SOME LITTLE THINGS CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE.
After Awhile Living Somewhere We Begin To Concentrate on Less and Less Because Our Brains Consider Them As Constants. However, Since ALL Humans Being are Created Equal, the Deciding Factor On What It Is We Remember or Learn From These Small Reoccurring Events Depends On How Open We Are To Them. If You Are Driving Down The Street You Live On for 10 Years, Your Probably Thinking About Something Else Other Than The Beauty of the Trees or Houses. We Need to Shake That OFF and Think Consciously. Live Now, Live in The Moment, and Appreciate the Beauty of Everything That Surrounds Us.